30 December 1998
USIS Washington
30 December 1998
(Joint Task Force on Computer Network Defense) (330) JOINT TASK FORCE ON COMPUTER NETWORK DEFENSE NOW OPERATIONAL The Department of Defense December 30 officially stood up its Joint Task Force on Computer Network Defense (JTF-CND) under the command of Air Force Major General John H. Campbell. Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen approved the formation of the joint task force on December 4, 1998. Working in conjunction with the unified military commands, the military services and other Department of Defense agencies, the joint task force will be responsible for the defense of DoD networks and systems from intruders and other attacks. The JTF-CND will serve as the focal point with the Department of Defense to organize a united effort to defend its computer networks and systems. It will monitor incidents and potential threats to DoD systems; it will also establish links with other federal agencies through the National Infrastructure Protection Center to share information on activities across the information infrastructure. When attacks are detected, the JTF will be responsible for directing DoD-wide recovery actions to stop or contain damage and restore network functions to DoD operations. Defense exercises and real world events in 1997 and in early 1998 demonstrated the need for an organization within the Department to coordinate its defensive activities and to have the authority to direct the necessary actions for that defense. Cohen directed the creation of a joint task force to provide the necessary operational authority consistent with accepted joint doctrine. The JTF-CND will report through the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Cohen since the joint task force is not currently assigned to a unified command. The JTF-CND will be located at and supported by the Defense Information Systems Agency to take full advantage of the existing operational computer network capabilities of DISA's Global Operations and Security Center, the Military Services, and DoD agencies.